
Unknown Charge on Your Credit Card? Here’s What It Means!

If you see a weird charge, don’t panic! Here’s how to check if it’s legit.

Orange Lightning

Look up the charge description—many scams use fake names!

Google the Merchant Name

Did you sign up for a free trial? It might have auto-renewed!

Check Subscription Services

Look for Family Purchases

Did a family member use your card for Apple, Google, or gaming?

Beware of Small Test Charges

Scammers often charge $1 first before a big fraud attempt!

Report Unauthorized Charges

If the charge is fake, call your bank ASAP to dispute it.

Freeze Your Card if Needed

Use your banking app to stop more fraudulent transactions!

Circled Dot

Avoid Future Scams

Never save card details on shady websites or unknown apps.

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